Growth Committee

The purpose of the Growth Committee is to aid in resolving problems and concerns that arise from the growth of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Virginia Area.

Some of these responsibilities include: 

  • Assist the districts with “redistricting” at the request of the Area Chairperson or the district itself
  • Make recommendations to the Area Assembly about reorganization, redistricting and/or consolidation plans of districts
  • Coordinate the flow of information pertaining the the growth of Alcoholics Anonymous in the area
  • Assists the mailing list coordinator in preparing, maintaining and changing records affected by Area Assembly plans
  • Assists the districts and groups in preparing and conducting inventories and may share information with the G.S.O. and the Area
  • Revises and updates the Virginia Area Service manual, incorporating motions passed by the VAC Assembly and ensures that the manual is available on the VAC website as well as printing copies are available at assemblies
  • Reviews the Virginia Area Service manual every four years in its entirety and makes recommendations, as needed, to ensure continuity and alignment of the guidelines
  • Conducts a Growth Workshop every other year in coordination with one of the districts

Spanish Language VAC Service Manual

Click above for more info


This informational guide tells how a group works most effectively, how a new group can be started, and how each group can be linked to A.A. as a whole.

Click above for pdf version of the Safety Card



An optional statement to be read at meetings, this card asks members to refrain from any behavior that may compromise another’s safety and encourages all members to take any necessary precautions to ensure their own personal safety.

You can reach the Growth Chair at

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