Picnic, Speaker, Music, Games and Fellowship at Occoneechee State Park. Fishing, Boating, Swimming all available. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Beverages provided. Please bring a covered dish if you can. Food starts at 11:30, Speaker at 1:00...fun all day! Parking is $7 per vehicle.
AA and Al-Anon are Welcome Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 Fellowship and Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. American Legion Post 55 461 Woodford St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401 3 Guest speakers Ruben G., Chris S., Brandon W.
Oct. 16th at Forest Hill Presbyterian 4401 Forest Hill Ave Richmond, VA 23325 Dinner at 5 p.m./Speaker at 6:30 p.m. Also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 969492739 Passcode: 5655356
This is our group's observance of our founding on November 4, 1965. We have a potluck dinner, followed by a speaker from Al-Anon and then a speaker from AA.
Corrections Meeting Flyer WE WANT WHAT YOU HAVE Corrections Meeting November 5, 2022 Saturday 10:30 am at your Central Office 1803 Emmet St N Suite 3 If you have worked with any holding facility (be it jails/detention/prison) we need your knowledge as to who you worked with. Looking at Corrections Committee being […]