District 16 Thanksgiving Alcathon
United Methodist Church 22 East Washington Street, Petersburg, United StatesPlease bring food to share that is individually wrapped. Soda, coffee and water will be provided. Masks will be mandatory. Please practice social distancing.
District 16 Thanksgiving Alcathon
United Methodist Church 22 East Washington Street, Petersburg, United StatesPlease bring food to share that is individually wrapped. Soda, coffee and water will be provided. Masks will be mandatory. Please practice social distancing.
Eastern US/Canada Forum
Online , Select a Country:Save the Date! Registration opens November 7th....more details to follow
Eastern US/Canada Forum
Online , Select a Country:Save the Date! Registration opens November 7th....more details to follow
Workshop: Clarence Snyder, The Home Brewmaster
Zoom 816 5514 9755 PC 018426 Norfolk, VA, United StatesA talk about Clarence Snyder-the Home Brewmaster by an author of the book How It Worked.
Workshop: Clarence Snyder, The Home Brewmaster
Zoom 816 5514 9755 PC 018426 Norfolk, VA, United StatesA talk about Clarence Snyder-the Home Brewmaster by an author of the book How It Worked.
Virginia AA District 4 VIRTUAL SOBERTHON ANNOUNCEMENT – Holiday Soberthon
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesSoberthon sponsored by the Dulles District 4 of Area 71, Virginia. Virtual meeting non -stop from Noon on Christmas Eve (Dec 24) until Midnight on Christmas Day (Dec 25). Opportunities for all AA members with at least 1 year of sobriety to share their experience, strength, and hope to get through this time of the […]
Virginia AA District 4 VIRTUAL SOBERTHON ANNOUNCEMENT – Holiday Soberthon
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesSoberthon sponsored by the Dulles District 4 of Area 71, Virginia. Virtual meeting non -stop from Noon on Christmas Eve (Dec 24) until Midnight on Christmas Day (Dec 25). Opportunities for all AA members with at least 1 year of sobriety to share their experience, strength, and hope to get through this time of the […]
Alcazoomathon 2020
zoom VA, United StatesZoom Meeting ID # 997 9744 4139 Passcode alcathon Dial-in Phone Number 301-715-8592 For the full schedule and details, go to our website: aadistrict30va.org/wp/alcathon-2020
Alcazoomathon 2020
zoom VA, United StatesZoom Meeting ID # 997 9744 4139 Passcode alcathon Dial-in Phone Number 301-715-8592 For the full schedule and details, go to our website: aadistrict30va.org/wp/alcathon-2020
Supper and Speaker
THE SIMPLE ACTIONS GROUP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS https://us02web.zoom.us/j/576495000?pwd=Vm1VTFRZMzhHRTFlZWZGWU1NcjMrQT09 Meeting ID: 576 495 000 Passcode: simple
Supper and Speaker
THE SIMPLE ACTIONS GROUP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS https://us02web.zoom.us/j/576495000?pwd=Vm1VTFRZMzhHRTFlZWZGWU1NcjMrQT09 Meeting ID: 576 495 000 Passcode: simple
Winter Meeting 2021
VirtualWinter Meeting 2021
VirtualConcept of the Month
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesConcept of the Month
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesFairfax District 16th Annual Pancake Breakfast
VirtualBrought to you Remotely for the First (and Hopefully Last) Time (Zoom and Registration Detail Soon)
Fairfax District 16th Annual Pancake Breakfast
VirtualBrought to you Remotely for the First (and Hopefully Last) Time (Zoom and Registration Detail Soon)
Zoom Security Workshop
VirtualWorkshop and discussion on how to protect your meeting from zoom bombers, preserve anonymity and host a safe, secure meeting. Zoom login information: 444 876 628 password 841118
Zoom Security Workshop
VirtualWorkshop and discussion on how to protect your meeting from zoom bombers, preserve anonymity and host a safe, secure meeting. Zoom login information: 444 876 628 password 841118
General Service Speaker Meeting
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesGeneral Service Speaker Meeting Description Speakers: Intro: Past Area 71 Delegate Main: Past Pacific Region Trustee Zoom – Zoom ID: 831 2121 4251 PW: SERVICE
General Service Speaker Meeting
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesGeneral Service Speaker Meeting Description Speakers: Intro: Past Area 71 Delegate Main: Past Pacific Region Trustee Zoom – Zoom ID: 831 2121 4251 PW: SERVICE
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A.
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A.
Loudoun District 10 – 24th Annual (Virtual) Day Of Sharing
Virtual VA, United StatesLoudoun District 10\'s 24th Annual Day of Sharing will be held virtually this year!! A full day of sharing with multiple virtual meetings covering a range of A.A. recovery related topics occurring simultaneously from 9am until 2pm. Followed by a (Virtual) Sobriety Countdown, (Virtual) Raffle, and Guest Speaker at 2:30pm until 4pm. Open format – […]
Loudoun District 10 – 24th Annual (Virtual) Day Of Sharing
Virtual VA, United StatesLoudoun District 10's 24th Annual Day of Sharing will be held virtually this year!! A full day of sharing with multiple virtual meetings covering a range of A.A. recovery related topics occurring simultaneously from 9am until 2pm. Followed by a (Virtual) Sobriety Countdown, (Virtual) Raffle, and Guest Speaker at 2:30pm until 4pm. Open format – […]
Service Structure Workshop
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesService Structure Workshop
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesSponsorship Workshop
Living Sober Zoom Charlottesville, Virginia, Select a Country:Overview of history of sponsorship in AA. Q & A time about sponsorhip. 6 panelists will share their experience as a sponsor and as a sponsee. Zoom ID 869184826 https://zoom.us/869184826 Call in 877 853 5257
Sponsorship Workshop
Living Sober Zoom Charlottesville, Virginia, Select a Country:Overview of history of sponsorship in AA. Q & A time about sponsorhip. 6 panelists will share their experience as a sponsor and as a sponsee. Zoom ID 869184826 https://zoom.us/869184826 Call in 877 853 5257
Spring Assembly 2021
Virtual , Select a Country:Spring Assembly registration is open and all AA members are invited to attend. Please email arrangements@aavirginia.org to register. Spring Assembly will be held online via Zoom.
Spring Assembly 2021
Virtual , Select a Country:Spring Assembly registration is open and all AA members are invited to attend. Please email arrangements@aavirginia.org to register. Spring Assembly will be held online via Zoom.
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A. Link to […]
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A. Link to […]
Carry the Message via Zoom Workshop
VirtualA Zoom workshop about getting more out of your Zoom meetings, and helpful hints to carry the message.
Carry the Message via Zoom Workshop
VirtualA Zoom workshop about getting more out of your Zoom meetings, and helpful hints to carry the message.
Meditation Workshop
VirtualNever meditated before and don\'t know where to start? Meditate already, but want to hone your skills? This workshop is for you! 4 speakers, 2 practice sessions, group discussion, question and answer session, follow-up sessions after the workshop.
Meditation Workshop
VirtualNever meditated before and don't know where to start? Meditate already, but want to hone your skills? This workshop is for you! 4 speakers, 2 practice sessions, group discussion, question and answer session, follow-up sessions after the workshop.
General Service Speaker Meeting
VirtualSpeakers: Intro Speaker from Winchester, VA, Area 71 Delegate Main Speaker from Sturgis, SD, Area 63 Delegate Zoom- ID: 797 245 2475 PW: service This Zoom event has closed captioning
General Service Speaker Meeting
VirtualSpeakers: Intro Speaker from Winchester, VA, Area 71 Delegate Main Speaker from Sturgis, SD, Area 63 Delegate Zoom- ID: 797 245 2475 PW: service This Zoom event has closed captioning
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A. Link to […]
The Twelve Concepts Workshop
VirtualPlease Join Norfolk District 14 in our Monthly Workshop on The Twelve Concepts When: 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 .p.m. Zoom ID: 811-3910-8956 PW: 451918 Join by Phone: 301-715-8592 A speaker will share their experience with the concept of the month for 30- 40 minutes; then we will open for Q&A. Link to […]
Living Sober Then and Now – Alexandria Districts Spring Workshop
VirtualJoin the Alexandria Districts for an interactive workshop on Living Sober Then and Now Games, Speakers, Breakout discussions and more! On Zoom Meeting ID: 987 4825 2140 Passcode: 798513
Living Sober Then and Now – Alexandria Districts Spring Workshop
VirtualJoin the Alexandria Districts for an interactive workshop on Living Sober Then and Now Games, Speakers, Breakout discussions and more! On Zoom Meeting ID: 987 4825 2140 Passcode: 798513
District 28 Spring Workshop
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesZoom Only Workshop Three Topics: Picking & using a Network, That God Talk & Emotional Sobriety https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87837107075
District 28 Spring Workshop
VIRTUAL VA, United StatesZoom Only Workshop Three Topics: Picking & using a Network, That God Talk & Emotional Sobriety https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87837107075
Corrections Workshop
VirtualJoin Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99098793363 Meeting ID: 990 9879 3363 One tap mobile +13017158592,,99098793363# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,99098793363# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) […]
Corrections Workshop
VirtualJoin Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99098793363 Meeting ID: 990 9879 3363 One tap mobile +13017158592,,99098793363# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,99098793363# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) […]