Alexandria Districts Halloworkshop
VirtualAlexandria Districts Virtual Halloworkshop: Living Sober Through the Holidays. Come dressed in your Halloween best! Icebreaker fun - Costume contest - Speaker Panel - Breakout Discussion Groups Zoom ID: 893 […]
Alexandria Districts Halloworkshop
VirtualAlexandria Districts Virtual Halloworkshop: Living Sober Through the Holidays. Come dressed in your Halloween best! Icebreaker fun - Costume contest - Speaker Panel - Breakout Discussion Groups Zoom ID: 893 […]
Fear Inventory Zoom Workshop
VirtualZoom Meeting ID 857 8293 0099
Fear Inventory Zoom Workshop
VirtualZoom Meeting ID 857 8293 0099
Halloween Bash 2021
Ivey Memorial Methodist Church 17120 Jefferson Davis Hwy, South Chesterfield6pm Trunk or Treat in the gym for the kids. 7:30pm Eat, Chat and have fun. 8pm Speaker meeting(childcare provided). 9pm-12mn - Dancing. Costume contest and raffle($5 suggested donation. Tickets […]
Halloween Bash 2021
Ivey Memorial Methodist Church 17120 Jefferson Davis Hwy, South Chesterfield6pm Trunk or Treat in the gym for the kids. 7:30pm Eat, Chat and have fun. 8pm Speaker meeting(childcare provided). 9pm-12mn - Dancing. Costume contest and raffle($5 suggested donation. Tickets […]